Getting passive candidates to move from their current employer to your company is difficult in the best of times; it’s...
Employer Resources
Motivating a Remote Workforce: 4 Strategies
By the time you read this, we’ll be almost three months from the start of safe-at-home orders and also well on our way...
Building a Company Culture with Remote Workers
At the risk of using a platitude that is becoming (frankly) more and more clichéd, your employees need you to be their...
Workplace Wellness: A Retention Key in 2016
Have you made any 2016 New Year’s Resolutions? Chances are if you did, at least one of your resolutions is health focused. Half of the top 10 resolutions are health related….and 1 in 3 people will ditch their resolutions by the end of January....
How You Are Turning Off Candidates on Social Media
By now it’s not a matter of if you should be engaging candidates and recruiting talent on social media. And with good reason — employers who used social media to hire found a 49% improvement in candidate quality over recruiting through traditional...
Shorter Work Day? Maybe Not, But How About These?
Sweden is making headlines with its shift to a 6-hour workday. While cultural and economic differences between the workplace in Sweden versus the U.S. might be vastly different, the shift is definitely garnering attention from the media....
4 Ways Your Company is Turning Off Top Talent
Bloggers and the Internet spend a great deal of time sharing suggestions for attracting top talent (we posted some tips for attracting millennials this summer, actually). But while attracting top talent is critical, there is another recruiting key...
Writing Job Descriptions That Deliver
In many instances, job descriptions serve as your unofficial introduction to top talent. Many candidates are viewing your job descriptions before visiting your website or reading your brochure. Are your job descriptions doing THEIR job? Today’s...
How to Take Your New Hires From “Employees” to “Superstars”
Hiring employees takes considerable time, effort and ultimately, cost. But once you’ve got the right team on board, your work as an organization doesn’t stop there. Tapping into your team’s true potential raises everyone’s performance and can have...
How to Attract Millennial Workers
Millennials are a hot topic for employers today - and with good reason: Millennials will make up the largest generation in the US workforce this year. But while the millennial generation may be the largest, it can also be considered one of the most...
Want the Best Talent? Avoid These Top Recruiter Mistakes.
You’re an experienced, savvy recruiter. You find the best candidates and make a perfect match with your open roles. Even the best of us make mistakes from time to time, though. In fact, most recruiters will succumb to one of these mistakes...
Putting Candidates at Ease During Job Interviews
We spend a fair amount of time here on the Helpmates blog helping to ease the nerves of anxious and eager candidates. And with good reason - searching for jobs can be stressful! When someone is especially excited about a company and role, it can be...