Candidate Advice

Staying Motivated During Your Job Search While in a – Hello! – Freaking Pandemic!

We don’t have to tell you that it’s rough out there: about 31.8 million plus folks are out of work nationwide (as of early July).  In fact, Los Angeles County itself had an unemployment rate of 19.4 percent in June. So it’s understandable that, if you’ve been looking for work for two or three...

The Skills in Demand in a Post-COVID World

The Skills in Demand in a Post-COVID World While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed pretty much everything in our world in these past three or four months, one thing that remains the same – in many ways – are the skills employers will be looking for now and for the foreseeable future. One would...

Resume Rules for the 2020s

Technology has made work more complicated because it requires more sophisticated job skills. It’s also made looking for work more complicated because it takes longer to explain exactly what we accomplished and how. Plus, many recruiters and HR professionals now use technology that screens resumes...

Using Your Layoff to Change Careers

If you’re among the 40 million-plus people in the U.S. who have been laid off or furloughed by your employer, you may be thinking that if ever there was a good time to change careers, this might be it. And you could be right. Could be, because deciding to change careers is such a big,...
Is 50 the New 65?

Is 50 the New 65?

Why There's a Good Chance Your Career Could be Over in Your 50s If you’re nearing 50, older than 50 or plan on being 50 someday, you need to read this: published a story in late December – one backed up by rigorous research with the...

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Dealing with an Over-talkative Co-Worker

Dealing with an Over-talkative Co-Worker

What’s by far the best thing about work? Engaging with colleagues! Several studies have found that the thing just about all of us like about work the most is the camaraderie and engagement going to work each day provides us as we interact with...

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Getting Your Job-Search Mojo Back

Getting Your Job-Search Mojo Back

Looking for work is hard and it certainly isn’t a night out on the town with your friends. It’s hard and a slog whether you’re looking while employed or whether you’re unemployed, making it quite easy to lose your “passion” for the endeavor. But...

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So You Trashed Your Career When Young

So You Trashed Your Career When Young

Let’s say you were – like all of us – young and foolish. Let’s also say that you were so foolish that you trashed your career in some way: You told your boss you were sick so that you could take the day off to see a ball game, but who should you...

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You Got the Job Offer! Should You Take It?

You Got the Job Offer! Should You Take It?

You applied for a job opportunity. You were called in for an interview. You aced it. You were called in for another interview. Ditto. The hiring manager tells you she’ll make her decision in a week and in that week you hear from her and she offers...

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Hacking the College Job Fair

Hacking the College Job Fair

Yep, it’s February. If you’re a college senior, you’re busy. And one of the things your busy with is getting ready for your campus’ college job fair this spring. What? It’s not on your radar!!! Why not!? College job fairs are a terrific way for you...

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