Does your company start hiring someone only as soon as you have a need? That is, do you whip up a job posting only...
Employer Resources
Real Life Virtual Networking Advice
It's now been more than a year since the first case of COVID-19 appeared in the United States. As the pandemic drags...
Giving Yourself a Recruiting Degree
No college offers a recruiting degree or one in sourcing. Although there are some very good training programs...
Hiring Trends for 2019
Happy 2019 (soon)! As we get ready for the New Year, we thought we’d explore the next 12 months to see how they may differ from 2018 from a hiring standpoint. How will AI affect recruiting and staffing? How will candidate interviewing evolve? How...
Help Your Team Members Stay Excited About Work
As a supervisor, a big part of your job is to ensure that your team members stay excited about work….but without working so hard and so fast that they become burnt out: Your newly hired college grad is so excited about her first job in a career she...
Looming Shortage of “Middle Skill” Healthcare Workers
Are you already noticing a shortage of medical coders, billers, patient intake admins, and other “middle-skill” healthcare pros here in Southern California? If not, you will soon. The Pasadena Star News reported last year that 42 percent of the...
Should You Start a Telecommuting Program?
Employees tend to love being able to work remotely/telecommute. In fact, it’s a sought-after employee benefit for candidates and offering it as a perk of employment definitely can help attract top talent. But it’s not always a win-win for a company...
Snooping On Your Competitors: What Are They Paying Their Workers?
As the exceptionally low unemployment rates in Orange and Los Angeles counties show little signs of abating, workers – as we discussed last month – are expecting more pay, especially considering the recent minimum wage increase in Los Angeles...
Are Apprenticeships the Answer to Ill-Prepared Workers?
Thousands of young (and older) Southern Californians will be heading to public and private colleges and universities soon (some have already started!) and the question here is: how well do these institutions of higher learning prepare their...
How Often Do Your Team Members See You? Seriously: How Often?
Everyone it seems – and this really isn’t much of an exaggeration, is it? – is on their phones all. The. Time. Or texting. Or creating/responding to email. And as a result, you may have noticed that we don’t talk to each other much anymore....
Pay Rates in Southern California
As it becomes harder and harder to find top talent in Southern California, especially for our clients’ temporary workforce needs, we’ve done a little digging regarding what great workers expect in Orange and Los Angeles counties regarding pay...
The Rise in the Minimum Wage and Your Temporary Workforce
The minimum wage rose to $13.50/hour in Los Angeles in July and will rise to $12/hour in Orange County in January. Couple this with the fact that it’s a hot candidates’ market today with unemployment in Los Angeles at 4.1 percent (in May) and in...