Employer Resources

Follow These Steps to Create a Great Apprentice Program

Companies are constantly complaining that they cannot find enough qualified people to fill all of their openings, saying that job candidates just don’t have the skills that are needed. A survey earlier this year revealed that the problem is worse than ever – talent shortages at a ten-year high,...

When Terminating an Employee Remotely

Remote work requires an organized, purposeful approach to the employee experience — including how you let workers go. The world has changed. Remote work is no longer an occasional perk — it’s a permanent fixture. But remote work isn’t just lift and shift from the corporate office to the home...

Why a Flexible Workforce is No Longer a “Want” But a “Need”

Used to be, many employers used temporary workers, independent contractors or freelancers only sporadically, such as during employee illness, leaves of absence or during the holiday season. But things have changed – savvy employers now use these temporary folks much more strategically. Companies...

Manager, Heal Thyself of Unconscious Bias

We all exhibit unconscious bias whenever we interact with others. In fact, psychologists have catalogued many different types of cognitive biases that filter our perception of the environment. But, once we are aware of these biases, we can be alert for them and recognize when we are falling victim...
Hiring Trends for 2019

Hiring Trends for 2019

Happy 2019 (soon)! As we get ready for the New Year, we thought we’d explore the next 12 months to see how they may differ from 2018 from a hiring standpoint. How will AI affect recruiting and staffing? How will candidate interviewing evolve? How...

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Help Your Team Members Stay Excited About Work

Help Your Team Members Stay Excited About Work

As a supervisor, a big part of your job is to ensure that your team members stay excited about work….but without working so hard and so fast that they become burnt out: Your newly hired college grad is so excited about her first job in a career she...

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Should You Start a Telecommuting Program?

Should You Start a Telecommuting Program?

Employees tend to love being able to work remotely/telecommute. In fact, it’s a sought-after employee benefit for candidates and offering it as a perk of employment definitely can help attract top talent. But it’s not always a win-win for a company...

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Pay Rates in Southern California

Pay Rates in Southern California

As it becomes harder and harder to find top talent in Southern California, especially for our clients’ temporary workforce needs, we’ve done a little digging regarding what great workers expect in Orange and Los Angeles counties regarding pay...

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