Employer Resources

Avoid These Recruiting Marketing Mistakes

Does your company start hiring someone only as soon as you have a need? That is, do you whip up a job posting only when a hiring manager requests a replacement or needs to fill a new position? If so, do you find yourself scrambling to source and recruit great talent? Probably, right? And that’s...

Real Life Virtual Networking Advice

It's now been more than a year since the first case of COVID-19 appeared in the United States. As the pandemic drags on, most everyone has had to make major changes in how they work and live. Many now work remotely to avoid close contact with others and prevent the spread of the virus. The job...

Giving Yourself a Recruiting Degree

No college offers a recruiting degree or one in sourcing. Although there are some very good training programs available, most of what recruiters learn, they pick up on the job. One of the most important parts of recruiting is sourcing candidates. Where can they be found? This involves a good bit...

Performance Review Strategies for the 2020s

No one enjoys performance reviews – neither managers nor workers. But when done well, they truly can help a supervisor gauge a person’s progress, or lack thereof. Here are a few strategies to use to make your performance reviews as effective as possible. Set an agenda for the meeting. Begin the...
How To Reduce Turnover by 40%

How To Reduce Turnover by 40%

Missed production goals and unsafe working conditions led this retailer to choose Helpmates as their new staffing partner — and reduced turnover by 40%.

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Boosting Employee Productivity and Morale

Boosting Employee Productivity and Morale

Employers need happy and productive workers. Yet if employees don’t have autonomy, the freedom to make mistakes, learning and growth opportunities, a sense of mission, etc., morale and productivity often plummets. Two Sides of the Improved...

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Helping Employees Embrace Negative Feedback

Helping Employees Embrace Negative Feedback

None of us succeeds in our careers without receiving negative feedback at least once. Many of us understandably melt into a puddle of despair and never recover believing that if feedback is true (and when done correctly, it is) then we are losers...

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Workplace Change: Constant and Disruptive

Workplace Change: Constant and Disruptive

If there’s one thing employers and their workers can count on is that….they can’t count on much. What was there yesterday is gone today. Co-workers, clients/customers, technology: they all change. Change always has been with us, of course, but the...

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Managing the Unseen Worker

Managing the Unseen Worker

More employees are working remotely than ever before. Some estimates claim as many as 70 percent of all workers around the world work remotely at least once a week. This has become a trend in large part because of advances in technology, making it...

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Got Ghosts? Here’s How to Bust Them

Got Ghosts? Here’s How to Bust Them

A turbocharged economy has drastically reduced unemployment and created a buyer’s market for jobs. This state of affairs has given rise to a new phenomenon in recruiting, and a new word has entered the recruiting lexicon to describe it: ghosting....

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Retention in a Recession: Not Much of a Problem?

Retention in a Recession: Not Much of a Problem?

More and more economists say the U.S. is getting closer to a recession: as of about mid-August, most were predicting its start in early 2021, possibly even some time in 2020. No matter when it comes, a recession is coming: they always do, same as...

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Helping Your Employees with Their Back-to-School Blues

Helping Your Employees with Their Back-to-School Blues

Back to school is here! Children abandon playgrounds, the beach and video games and return to the classroom. It’s a big change not just for kids but for working parents as well, requiring parents to adjust their schedules for things such as taking...

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