Candidate Advice

The Job Skills You’ll Need in 2021 and Beyond

The pace of change continues to accelerate in our society, led by technological progress and the accompanying economic growth. Growth and change will only continue to pick up speed into the future. In such an environment, what are the skills and abilities workers will need to navigate the world of...

Talkin’ ‘Bout Those Transferable Skills

You may be dissatisfied with your current career and looking to make a change. It’s a big decision, enough to put a few butterflies in the stomach of the most unflappable person, especially is you’re worried about how your current job skills will – or won’t – transfer. How do you get started, and...

The Absolutely, Positively Right Way to Leave a Job

You are at a point where you are giving serious consideration to leaving your job. It could be that the job no longer challenges you, that it has become routine. Or you’ve hit a dead end – there is no avenue for advancement. Or you simply cannot get along with your supervisor. Or you’re just...

5 Ways to Break Up a Boring Workday

Many of us are working from home right now. Some like the change and prefer working remotely – there is no long commute to work, you can dress more casually, and you don’t have to deal with all of the interruptions that are part of office work. However, working from home has its drawbacks: the...
Never Refer to Yourself as Unemployed. Here’s Why.

Never Refer to Yourself as Unemployed. Here’s Why.

Most of us will be unemployed at least once in our working lives. Employers are aware of that. So it should be okay to describe yourself as unemployed on LinkedIn or on your resume and cover letter, right? Well, no! Unfortunately, there is still a...

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When the Job Interview is Going Terribly Wrong

When the Job Interview is Going Terribly Wrong

6 ways to save a job interview that's not going your way It’s every job candidate’s nightmare – you’re at a job interview and things are not going well at all. You are a little more nervous than usual because this is a job that looks really good...

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Prepare for Your Career Talk with Your Manager

Prepare for Your Career Talk with Your Manager

Have you ever discussed your career hopes with your manager? No? You’re not alone: too many employees, unfortunately, are not having these kinds of conversations with their supervisors. Many supervisors do not talk about career development with...

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How to Make Big, Career-Changing Decisions

How to Make Big, Career-Changing Decisions

At certain points in our lives, we are confronted with some big decisions. It could be whether to take a new job or change careers, start a business, buy a house, or move to a new location. When facing such a challenge, it is natural to wonder...

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Getting Work Done When Your Mojo is Missing

Getting Work Done When Your Mojo is Missing

It happens to everyone: there are just some days when it feels like a slog just to get the bare minimum done at work, let alone exceed expectations. And we’re not talking about feeling ill. We’re talking about when you have the blahs, when you’re...

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Why Are You Interested in this Job?

Why Are You Interested in this Job?

This is one of the top standard job interview questions, so expect to hear it at your next interview. Employers ask it because they want to know why you want to work at their particular company, as opposed to simply doing it to make money. This...

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