Candidate Advice

The Signs Are There. Do You See Them? A Layoff Is Coming.

Did you not see it coming? Were you gobsmacked when your boss called you in to her office one Friday afternoon to let you know you were being pink-slipped? Did you walk out of the building in a daze as you held a small box with your personal items? Did your spouse or parents open their mouths wide...

Getting Your Job-Search Mojo Back

Looking for work is hard and it certainly isn’t a night out on the town with your friends. It’s hard and a slog whether you’re looking while employed or whether you’re unemployed, making it quite easy to lose your “passion” for the endeavor. But persist you must, especially if you’re currently out...

If You Don’t Know Where You Want to Go in Your Career, How Can You Get There?

If you don’t know where you want to go, going anywhere will do, right? But do you really want to “go anywhere” when it comes to something as important as your career? We know of a truly and genuinely nice man, nearing retirement, who has worked in the cut-throat, exceedingly stressful financial...

So You Trashed Your Career When Young

Let’s say you were – like all of us – young and foolish. Let’s also say that you were so foolish that you trashed your career in some way: You told your boss you were sick so that you could take the day off to see a ball game, but who should you see at the game but your boss (who took real PTO)...
5 Career Tips to Increase Your Value at Work

5 Career Tips to Increase Your Value at Work

Thinking about your career goals for the rest of 2016 and beyond? A helpful perspective to take as you work to impress your employer and climb the corporate ladder is continuously improve and increase your value in the workplace. Standing out to...

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5 Ways to Build Career Skills in Your Spare Time 

5 Ways to Build Career Skills in Your Spare Time 

In today’s competitive landscape, you should look for every opportunity to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers. Have you devoted time recently to honing your career skills to stay ahead of the competition?  Believe it or not, your hobbies...

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How to Overcome Your Biggest Career Fears

How to Overcome Your Biggest Career Fears

How to Overcome Your Biggest Career Fears "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt What are your biggest career goals? If you haven’t achieved them yet, what’s holding you back? Fear is a powerful...

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Are You Choosing the Right Professional References?

Are You Choosing the Right Professional References?

Sometimes professional references are the last step between you and your dream job. Often, employers check your references as the very last step before offering you the job. So how much thought have you put into choosing your references? Until a...

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Top 5 Interview Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

Top 5 Interview Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

You've put hours into perfecting your resume and cover letter. Great work - but you're not done yet! Until you've impressed an employer in your job interview, you're still a candidate and not a new hire. Now it’s time for your ‘A’ game. Successful...

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Top 10 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers

Top 10 Social Media Tips for Job Seekers

Your resume is perfectly polished and proofread. Your cover letter gives a solid introduction while highlighting your strengths. You’ve practice for your job interview and are ready to go. You’re not done yet. All of these elements are essential to...

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