Candidate Advice

College Grads: Tell Your Folks to Back Off

They are called helicopter parents, and for good reason. The term is used to denote parents who hover over their children, inserting themselves incessantly into the lives of their offspring, attempting to micromanage and control their lives. If the above sounds like a description of YOUR parents,...

Working Hard – or Workaholic?

We all believe hard work is necessary for success in life and in our careers. But even hard work can be harmful if we take it too far, because then it slips into something that can take over our life – workaholism. It is similar to an addiction, where we feel the need to work excessively and...

No Job is a Dream Job: All Jobs are WORK

We often think that getting our dream job will make our lives all rainbows and unicorns. But dream jobs are, plain and simple, myths. All jobs involve doing tasks we don’t like – we have to take off the rose-colored glasses and accept that all jobs have both the good and the bad. You may think you...

When You’re Really Asked to Do the Job to Get the Job

It’s fairly common these days for companies to ask job candidates to perform some task or do some assignment to showcase their skills. This is a perfectly reasonable request. In fact, it is a good idea for employers to ask for evidence of a candidate’s work to really see what he or she can do. It...
Do the Job to Get the Job

Do the Job to Get the Job

We can’t take credit for that headline: it comes from the great Nick Corcodilos of who is a firm believer that candidates have much more power than they believe and that the absolute best way to find work is to directly...

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Recruiter

How to Get the Most Out of Your Recruiter

We’re recruiters and we love it! For all its many ups and downs, it’s a career that helps candidates find work and our clients find great employees. Our hearts just go zing! when we help someone find a new position. After all, without work, we...

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5 Things to Do In Your First Days on the Job

5 Things to Do In Your First Days on the Job

You’ve just started your new job. You want to impress your new manager and get along well with your new coworkers. To help you do so, we present you with five things you should aim to do on your first few days and weeks at your new employer. Take a...

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The Art of Writing Online Job Descriptions

The Art of Writing Online Job Descriptions

It’s a candidates’ job market: the job seeker pool is shrinking and it’s becoming ever harder to fill positions, especially those that require even a modicum of skill. In fact, the ratio of open jobs to the number of unemployed people in the U.S....

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The False Reasons We Give to Stay Put

The False Reasons We Give to Stay Put

How often have you thought, “It’s time I really take charge of my professional life and ask for that raise/change careers/move to a better employer/get that college degree so that I can advance in my career.” And then you do….nothing. You’re not...

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Shout “I Got the Job!”: Acing the Interview

Shout “I Got the Job!”: Acing the Interview

A resume gets you an interview. Your references and skills back up what a great fit you are for the position. The interview is what gets you the job. On the top of it, that sounds like a lot of pressure: it’s do-or-die time at the job interview!...

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