10 Ways to Stand Out on Your Temporary Work Assignment

Temporary jobs offer more than just short-term, flexible work

Temp work can also be an opportunity to expand your skills, experience and professional network. Learn how to make the most of temporary positions and stand out on your next assignment.

Employers are continuing to take advantage of the benefits temporary workers offer them as well. This means that professionals across a range of disciplines can expect more opportunities for temporary work assignments in the coming years. Sure, the length of your temporary assignments may vary, but each temp job offers an excellent opportunity for you to not only benefit your career, but to make a great impression. And standing out while making a great impression will help you land the best temporary work assignments with the most desirable employers.

How to make a great impression on temporary work assignments

Try these 10 steps to stand out on your next temporary work assignment (for the right reasons!) and boost your career:

1. Always arrive for work on time.

This is one of the most basic pieces of job advice out there, yet it always bears repeating — because many employees don’t arrive to work on time! For the purposes of any job, “on time” usually means arriving about five or 10 minutes early.

If you like to say hello at the water cooler, drop off your lunch or do any small tasks before getting started on your actual job duties, 10 or 15 minutes early may be more appropriate. Arriving “on time” means starting work on time. So take the necessary steps to ensure you’re starting work on time every day.

2. Ask questions and be engaged.

Even for experienced professionals, every job comes with a bit of training. Take notes, ask questions and show that you’re truly interested in learning the right way to do things at your employer.

3. Be a “team” player.

Show a genuine interest in your coworkers and be friendly. Even for a one week or 30-day assignment, being approachable and friendly is always appreciated, and is more likely to earn you a favorable review.

4. Show that you’re flexible.

Sometimes the exact nature of a position evolves or changes, or an employer notices another need after you’ve begun your assignment. If you can be adaptable and step up to help in a new area (even one that you didn’t expect), you’ll make life much easier for your employer.

5. Present yourself professionally.

There are a few elements to this – avoid getting caught up in any office gossip or politics (which can happen, even on shorter assignments) and also be sure to dress appropriately for the position and office where you’ll be working. If you arrive on your first day and notice everyone else is adhering to a certain standard, show up on your second day with something that’s more in line with the team.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

It may be tempting to try and do everything yourself to make a good impression on temporary work assignments, but sometimes asking for help is the best way to make a good impact. No one expects you to know everything!

7. Don’t wait around for next steps.

If you’ve finished a task or series of tasks, don’t wait around for your manager to find you and tell you what to do next. Instead, seek him or her out, share that you’ve completed your tasks and ask what else you can do to help.

8. Be polite.

Saying “please” and “thank you” goes a long way in every aspect of life, but especially in an office.

9. Pay attention to details.

It can be overwhelming when you’re inundated with details on the first days of a new temporary work assignment, but pay attention to them. Write them down, add meetings to your phone or calendar – do what it takes to ensure you aren’t missing key meetings or crucial details.

10. Learn about the company.

Your Helpmates recruiter will provide you with information about your next company, but take the time to not only read what they provide, but to do your own research as well. Showing up to your temporary assignment with some knowledge about the company and its goals will show that you value your time with them as much as they value your contributions!

Find your next temporary work assignment

Helpmates works with top employers across Southern California, and we have a range of temporary work assignments that can help you reach your goals. Search our available jobs now or contact your nearest Helpmates office to learn more.

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