4 Times Employee Engagement Should Be a Focus

Employee Engagement

6 Tips for Building a Better Retention Strategy

Employee turnover can wreak havoc on your company’s productivity and profits. Learn why employees leave & what you can start doing to make them stay for the long-haul.

Research from Gallup shows that only 34.1% of employees are engaged. That means that nearly 2/3 of your employees are disengaged (which correlates with research from Jobvite that shows 66% of employees are open to new employment).

In other words, if you’re not focusing your attention on employee engagement, you could soon find your top performers jumping ship. Employee Engagement

But while your organization should consistently demonstrate its commitment to employee engagement through the design and implementation of a strategic plan, there are also certain times where employee engagement should be a focus.

Specifically, your organization should pay particular attention to employee engagement when:

1. Several employees have left in a short span of time. Turnover is inevitable in every business, but when several employees leave in a short span of time, it can subconsciously signal to the rest of your employees that things aren’t well (even if the employees leave for different reasons). Being proactive in these circumstances is critical. Exit interviews for departing employees can help you identify (and change) any employee engagement issues before they result in increased turnover. But more importantly, detailed steps for communication and reinforcement of your company culture should be implemented whenever an employee leaves to help ensure your remaining employees stay on board.

2. You’re expanding your team. There are many different reasons your company could expand its workforce. Perhaps you’re gearing up for seasonal changes. Maybe you’re out of startup mode and into growth mode. Growth is (typically) good news for an organization, but it can also cause unease in your current team. Without clear communication, your employees could guess at (or gossip about) reasons for the addition of new positions and employees. Fear of losing jobs or changing expectations could cause some employees to panic and look elsewhere for new opportunities. Communication here is essential, but in addition to communicating business plans and goals, taking initiative to engage your employees in the process (and make them a part of the process, involving them in new job descriptions, input on candidates, etc) can help them feel secure and engaged with your business in the short- and long-term.

3. You’re going through organizational changes. Acquisitions and mergers require the tying of many loose ends — your employees shouldn’t be one of them. Major organizational changes are, understandably, incredibly stressful for employees. As mentioned previously, ongoing, direct communication is essential in these circumstances. Activities and programs to keep employees engaged and confident in the direction of the company can help support open communication by providing a sense of stability and purpose for your employees, even when the direction of the company is somewhat in flux.

4. Work is slow/stressful. Are you seeing a trend here? Any time there is stress in your office, a focus on employee engagement is essential. Depending on your specific industry, the availability of work can fluctuate from season to season or month to month. Partnering with a staffing firm like Helpmates can help you staff up or down appropriately to handle fluctuations in work. But while your staffing partner can help you whether the workforce challenges associated with industry fluctuations, your HR team should focus on keeping employees engaged and confident in your organization.

While your organization is focusing on employee engagement, your staffing partner is focusing on providing you with new, exceptional talent to help you reach your goals. Here at Helpmates, we have an extensive network of candidates across Southern California who are ready to join your team and make an impact. Contact us today to learn how we can help your organization reach its goals.

Image courteous of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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