Employer Resources

Employees Are Worried About a Recession — Here’s How to Ease Their Minds

While no job, employer, or industry is recession-proof, there are some actions employers can take to ease their employee’s minds as the prospect of a recession lives rent-free in everyone’s heads.

Are You Still Sourcing Call Center Reps and CSRs Yourself?

Recruiting dozens of call center and customer service representatives (CSRs) is time-consuming. It’s also wasteful: what could your recruiters be doing if they weren’t constantly sourcing, interviewing and hiring for these positions? Could they be working to build a talent pipeline in other areas...

Extremely High Temporary Specialist Retention for a Distribution Center

Is this you? You’re a large company that needs to ship out a lot of small items every day. In other words, you need dozens of people to help you get those orders ready. What’s more, the accuracy of order fulfillment is critical because each and every customer's shipment is different from any...

Tips for Hiring Great Temporary Specialists in SoCal

Your Los Angeles or Orange County company may need more workers as your business starts growing again as the economy continues to improve. Yet you probably don’t really know how fast you’ll grow, in what areas you’ll grow and if you’ll be able to sustain that growth over a year or more. Bringing...
Managing Remote-Work Employees for the First Time

Managing Remote-Work Employees for the First Time

We’re several weeks into our stay-at-home orders here in the Los Angeles and Orange county regions and many companies are in the thick of managing work-from-home employees. Many of you no doubt have worked the kinks out and things are going...

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Getting Through Challenging Times

Getting Through Challenging Times

So. Things now are, shall we say, a tad dicey. The coronavirus pandemic has caused the stock market to decline precipitously, and now many economists are predicting a global recession. Fun times, right? You may be worried that your employer will...

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Showing Empathy When it’s the Last Thing You Want to Do

Showing Empathy When it’s the Last Thing You Want to Do

What’s that old saying? “Life would be so much better except for the people”? Is that it? You’ve no doubt heard something similar. After all, as wonderful as people can be, they often … aren’t. And this especially is true of employees. Or at least...

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Keeping the Human in Human Resources

Keeping the Human in Human Resources

Technology is great … until it becomes a substitute for the human touch. Many experts are worried that too many of us are relying on technology in our day-to-day lives. This extends, of course, to relying on tech to do away with tasks we find...

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Making the Most of Your Meetings

Making the Most of Your Meetings

Oh no, not another meeting! At some companies, meetings have become synonymous with wasted time. When a meeting is announced, employees immediately begin to think of ways to get out of it. It doesn’t have to be this way. If done properly, meetings...

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How to Lead by Example

How to Lead by Example

Good leaders, it is said, never ask their subordinates to do anything that the leader would not do. This is what leading by example means – showing your people how to get things done rather than just telling them. It is the kind of leadership that...

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Best Texting Practices for Recruiting

Best Texting Practices for Recruiting

Texting is becoming ever more critical in the recruitment process. It’s a great way to contact job candidates quickly to deliver short messages. This post will take a look at how texting is being used and offer some advice on recruitment texting...

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