We don’t have to tell you that it’s rough out there: about 31.8 million plus folks are out of work nationwide (as of...
Candidate Advice
The Skills in Demand in a Post-COVID World
The Skills in Demand in a Post-COVID World While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed pretty much everything in our world...
Resume Rules for the 2020s
Technology has made work more complicated because it requires more sophisticated job skills. It’s also made looking...
Having Difficult Conversations….with Your Boss
It’s natural – so work hierarchy goes – for a supervisor to call in a subordinate and have that conversation: You’re performance has been lacking lately. You come in to work late too often. You’ve missed two project deadlines in the last month. And...
Embracing the Up, Backwards and Sideways Career
Content No one’s career moves straight up. Most successful people see their share of failure and even simple treading water (no movement up or down). Just a few examples of people who failed on their way up: Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper...
Moving from Colleague to Manager
Congratulations on your promotion to manager! Now you’re the supervisor….of your past colleagues! Moving from co-worker to boss can be, well, fraught. No longer can you be true buddies. No longer can you dish on the boss together because, well,...
When You Have to Give Tough Love at Work
No matter if you’ve just become a manager or supervisor or you’ve been serving as one for a few years, there’s going to come a time – perhaps sooner than you think – where you’re going to have to provide some tough feedback to one of your team...
Researching an Employer Before an Interview
We talk a lot here about how important it is to research a potential employer before a job interview. But we’ve never explained in detail about how and why you should do so. Take a look below for why researching an employer is valuable and how to...
‘So, Tell Me a Little About Yourself.’
The following questions are so common, there’s no chance you’ve never heard them in a job interview: “Tell me about yourself.” “What’s your biggest strength/weakness?” “Why should I hire you over someone else?” Common interview questions, all. Yet...
Striking a Friendly Balance at Work
Work is a great place to make good friends. In fact, having at least one good friend at work is pretty much required in order for us to enjoy our jobs. Friends also make us more productive. What’s more, having a good work friend also may be...
Dealing with “The Gap”
While most of us will work until about our mid-60s, not all of us will work all the time until then: most of us probably will have a gap in our work history either due to illness (ours or a family member’s), raising children, being laid...
Acing the Phone or Video Interview
Many companies conduct preliminary screening interview with a phone or video interview before asking candidates in for an in-person interview. Such calls are real interviews and should be treated as such. (You won’t get a chance to shine in person...