Candidate Advice

Striking a Friendly Balance at Work

Work is a great place to make good friends. In fact, having at least one good friend at work is pretty much required in order for us to enjoy our jobs. Friends also make us more productive. What’s more, having a good work friend also may be critical to succeeding in our careers. But it can be...

Dealing with “The Gap”

While most of us will work until about our mid-60s, not all of us will work all the time until then: most of us probably will have a gap in our work history either due to illness (ours or a family member’s), raising children, being laid off/quitting outright, or even taking a sabbatical. Known as...

Acing the Phone or Video Interview

Many companies conduct preliminary screening interview with a phone or video interview before asking candidates in for an in-person interview. Such calls are real interviews and should be treated as such. (You won’t get a chance to shine in person if you don’t “pass” the screening interview.) In...

Can I Wear a T-shirt to a Job Interview?

Our first thought when hearing this question is “Heck, no!’ But then we realized: the workplace is much more casual today than even five years ago. Many people wear t-shirts on the job, so it’s an understandable question: why couldn’t you wear one on a job interview? Well, today, you probably...
Use your Alumni Network | Southern California

Use your Alumni Network | Southern California

Establishing a connection to your university’s alumni association is not only good practice while searching for a job right out of college, but it can also provide great connections throughout your career. Regardless of how long it has been since...

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Who’s Hiring? Job Forecast in Southern California

Who’s Hiring? Job Forecast in Southern California

While the California unemployment rate is still high, it is slowly improving in line with national economic growth. In fact, the California annual gain was slightly higher than the national labor market in 2011. With the unemployment rate just...

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Socialize Your Way to Your Next Job

Socialize Your Way to Your Next Job

Tapping into your social network is a key component to streamlining your job search.  But in today’s technological environment, we are all conditioned to think that means a virtual social network, as we utilize LinkedIn, Facebook, and others daily...

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9/11 A Day of Remembrance

9/11 A Day of Remembrance

“Time is passing.  Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th.  We will remember every rescuer who died in honor.  We will remember every family that lives in grief.”  --George W. Bush “Even the smallest...

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Questions To Ask Before You Accept the Job Offer

The entire hiring process is question-driven.  The employer asks himself exactly who he is looking for, what roles this person needs to fill, what the compensation should be and what the ultimate goals are for the position.  Then, of course, there...

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Stay On The Radar in a Busy Workplace

Why is it important to be noticed in a bustling, distracted work environment?   Some people prefer to work anonymously and “fly under the radar” to avoid scrutiny and  go about their work life in perceived peace.  But where does that get you? ...

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Making the Most out of Your New Position

Welcome to Day One of Your New Career! Starting a new job is exciting as well a little scary. What will your manager be like? How about your co-workers? What will they expect of you?  The best thing you can do for yourself is to relax. You know you...

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