Candidate Advice

Making Career Resolutions that Actually Stick

Merry Christmas! While chances are that you’re reading this on some day other than December 25 (the day this went live) and you’re no doubt now thinking of which gifts to return, why not also take some time in preparation for the New Year to think about what career resolutions you plan to make…...

Navigating the Office Holiday Gift Giving Obstacle Course

It’s December! Bring on the office gift exchange! As we move into the 2018 gift-giving season, many of us may wonder: Do I give my boss a gift? Do I have to purchase holiday wrapping paper from my colleague’s son’s Scout fundraiser? Can I opt out of the office gift exchange? The answers to these...

Making the Most of the Holiday Season

The holiday season is here! Times of good cheer, holiday parties (at the office and friends’ homes), gift purchasing and giving/receiving….and a GREAT time to finally get some work done! Work in December often slows down as you and your colleagues think ahead to the 25th. That’s why this month can...

Negotiating Salary? Don’t Say This!

So you’re in the salary/pay rate part of the hiring process. (Congrats on getting to this point, by the way!) And you and your soon-to-be-employer both want pretty much the same thing, but with a BIG variant: each of you wants to come to a number both are happy with but you want as much as you can...
Keep Your Job Search Focused This Summer

Keep Your Job Search Focused This Summer

Summer is an exciting time for many of us - nice weather, vacations, family gatherings, outdoor activities and more. But while the season brings with it many fun activities, those activities could be considered distractions when it comes to your...

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3 Critical Salary Negotiation Tips

3 Critical Salary Negotiation Tips

Spring is often called the season of renewal. And with the spirit of spring, you might be thinking about the next step in your career (hint: We’re hiring!). As you think about where you’d like to take your career this spring, one important factor...

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Confidence is Key – How to Impress in Job Interviews

Confidence is Key – How to Impress in Job Interviews

A few months ago, we talked about the importance of confidence in making a positive first impression with employers. But finding and exuding confidence can be a challenge in and of itself. Showcase your skills and impress hiring managers by being...

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Not Getting Anywhere on LinkedIn? Here’s Why!

Not Getting Anywhere on LinkedIn? Here’s Why!

LinkedIn currently has more than 347 million users - not bad, right? Professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of more than two new members per second. That means that your past employers, coworkers and clients are likely there - as...

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Oops! 4 Things You Forgot to Put in Your Resume

Oops! 4 Things You Forgot to Put in Your Resume

Many blogs and online resources are focused on helping you create the perfect resume to entice employers and show off your skills. And with good reason - your resume is a critical component of a successful job search. Without it, it is unlikely...

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