Candidate Advice

The Art of Posting Engaging Comments on LinkedIn

Do you often comment merely “Good point” or “Great article!” when one of your LinkedIn connections posts something interesting on the platform? Well, blah, blah, blah: you might as well have not commented at all, so little is your reply going to help you build a professional network. (Although it...

Is 50 the New 65?

Why There's a Good Chance Your Career Could be Over in Your 50s If you’re nearing 50, older than 50 or plan on being 50 someday, you need to read this: published a story in late December – one backed up by rigorous research with the highly respected Urban Institute – that said 56...

Dealing with an Over-talkative Co-Worker

What’s by far the best thing about work? Engaging with colleagues! Several studies have found that the thing just about all of us like about work the most is the camaraderie and engagement going to work each day provides us as we interact with colleagues and customers. In other words: we often...

When it’s Time to “Settle Down”: No More Job Hopping

When, how and WHY it’s time to stop job-hopping Employers may be open to job-hopping in your early career, but eventually it becomes a red flag. Learn how to balance strategic pursuit of the right roles for your career and putting down roots. What is job-hopping? Job-hopping is skipping from one...
5 Tips to Boost Your Interview Confidence

5 Tips to Boost Your Interview Confidence

Few of us enjoy going on job interview, which is a shame in a way because interviews are a great way to learn more about ourselves, various companies, different ways of doing things, making new acquaintances – possibly new colleagues – and so on....

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4 Reasons You’re Not Getting the Job

4 Reasons You’re Not Getting the Job

You’ve applied for many positions. You’ve networked your way into other job opportunities. You’ve even landed some interviews. But as for second interviews? Let alone job offers? Nothing. Zilch. The sound of crickets fills your e-mail inbox (if...

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4 FREE Career Resources to Kick Off the New Year

4 FREE Career Resources to Kick Off the New Year

Did you reach all your career goals in 2016? Here on the Helpmates blog, we are proud to have provided many career tips and resources to help you advance your career. We hope you found them valuable! These career resources can help you get to the...

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Top 6 Skills Employers Are Seeking in 2017

Top 6 Skills Employers Are Seeking in 2017

Thinking about a job change in the New Year? Here at Helpmates and across the country, dynamic, innovative companies are looking for talent to help them reach new heights in 2017. But do you have the skills they’re seeking? With more options than...

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How to Rule the Office Holiday Party This Year

How to Rule the Office Holiday Party This Year

It’s that time of year again - holiday party season is upon us. After a long year of hard work, the holiday party offers a great opportunity to unwind and celebrate a year of success with your colleagues. Our list of do’s and don’ts can help you...

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Are These Momentum Killers Affecting Your Job Search?

Are These Momentum Killers Affecting Your Job Search?

You’ve put hours into crafting the perfect resume, and have tailored it to each application and position. Your cover letter shows personality, enthusiasm and helps highlight the key reasons an employer should choose you over the competition. You’ve...

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