Getting Gender Diversity Right

LA staffing service

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You undoubtedly want to make sure your Southern California company enjoys a diverse employee pool when it comes to the number of the men and the number of women who work for you.

We’ve put together five strategies that can help you do so. Take a look below.

LA staffing service

  1. Embrace the fact that women bring a great deal of talent to the table.

Senior management needs to understand this most of all because gender diversity starts at the top and trickles down. Managers and members of the C-suite need to set an example. Your firm should embrace a diversified, inclusive workforce because it not only brings a great deal of new and different perspectives into the workplace, it also enhances a company’s business performance.

  1. Take a look at all of your HR policies and get rid of gender biases.

Revamp policies that either actually do – or even just appear to – benefit men over women. Review your training and management grooming policies to make sure women are given the same career development prospects.

Also, make sure you train hiring managers and recruiters to be aware of their unconscious biases when making hiring decisions. Make sure you do not shame anyone as you ask them to take a close look at their own partialities: everyone has some level of unconscious bias.

  1. Don’t just think about “making sure” you hire more women: include

It may take some work, but aim to transform your company culture into one that automatically includes women in everything you do. Need more technicians? Make the effort to train hiring managers to look for female techs as a matter of course. In other words, don’t look at gender diversity as something you have to do to be compliant with today’s equality laws; instead, embrace it as a “part of a vibrant organizational culture.”

  1. Consider hiring someone to focus solely on increasing gender diversity.

Your human resources director already has to concentrate on many different things. Instead of asking her to put one more critical task on to her overly full plate, put the resources behind your push for gender diversification and hire someone to focus only on increasing diversity.

  1. Think long-term rather than merely short-term.

The United Nations has asked that leaders from businesses throughout the world work to have 50-50 gender equality by 2030. (It’s part of the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals for the world.)

Get started on meeting this goal now, or take the risk that your competitors will beat you, thereby becoming magnets for the best and brightest of female talent, talent you really can’t afford to lose.

Helpmates Staffing can help you meet all diversity goals. We have connections with many of the region’s best candidates in healthcare, HR, finance, administration, and warehouse/distribution. Contact the recruiting professionals in the office nearest you to learn more about how we can help fill your workforce with the best talent Southern California has to offer.

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