Why Your Job Candidates Want You to Text, Not Call

Gardena recruiters

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It should be no surprise that today’s workforce prefers texting over calling, even when it comes to communicating with employers and recruiters.

Recent studies show that 73% of candidates prefer texts due to their convenience and non-intrusiveness. With Gen Z now entering the workforce, this preference is even stronger, as they view texting as the most efficient communication method.

Modern recruiting tools now offer seamless texting features, enabling recruiters to integrate this preferred method into almost every stage of their outreach strategies.

By adopting texting, you’re not just meeting candidates where they are—you’re respecting their time and communication style, which can lead to faster response times and a better candidate experience overall.

What’s Wrong With A Good Ol’ Fashioned Phone Call?

Let’s be clear: there’s nothing inherently wrong with calling a candidate. But let’s step into their shoes and think of this from their point of view for a minute.

Let’s say the candidate is not actively applying for new jobs. Perhaps you’re sourcing from past applicants, Indeed, or a referral and they are not expecting your call.

How many times have you not answered a phone call from an unrecognized (or worse: unlisted) number? Candidates are the same way. Not today, scammers, they think.

Now let’s say the candidate has been actively applying for jobs and an unrecognized number calls, signaling that it could be for a potential interview. They simply may not be in the ideal position to answer your call at that time — they are at work, have a crying child or barking dog in the background, or are currently rocking out to the supermarket bangers while they get groceries — so off to voicemail it goes.

Why Text is Best

Adapting to this shift can significantly enhance your recruiting efforts, making your approach more aligned with today’s job market expectations.

Texts have an open rate of 95%. Response times are much faster with texts compared to calls and emails too, which speeds along your hiring process.

Plus, texting is:

  • Efficient: Texting is quicker and aligns with candidates’ busy schedules.
  • Non-Intrusive: Candidates appreciate not being interrupted by calls during the workday.
  • More Personal: Millennials and Gen Z have come to think of texts as more personal: after all, it’s often how they chat with their friends and family over the course of a day. This can really help your recruiter since many people view the recruiting process as impersonal.

Best Practices for Using Texting in the Candidate Journey

Now, we’re not saying texting should be the only communication method to candidates. It’s best used at certain points in the applicant journey, and depending on the information being relayed.

Initial Application

  • Acknowledgment Message: Send an immediate text confirming receipt of the application.
  • Next Steps Overview: Briefly outline what candidates can expect next.


  • Invitation to Schedule: Use text to invite candidates to schedule an interview or phone screen.
  • Reminder Texts: Send reminders about upcoming interviews.

Interview Process

  • Interview Instructions: Provide details like location, time, and what to bring via text.
  • Post-Interview Follow-Up: Ask candidates how the interview went, thank them for their time, and inform them about the next steps.

Post-Decision Communication

  • Successful Candidates: Send a congratulatory text with details on the offer and onboarding.
  • Unsuccessful Candidates: Politely inform them of the decision, offering feedback or keeping them in mind for future opportunities.

General Tips

  • Personalization: Ensure texts are personalized to the candidate’s name, role, and overall experience.
  • Timing: Be mindful of when texts are sent—avoid late-night or early-morning messages.
  • Tone: Keep the tone professional yet approachable, matching your brand voice.

A Modern Approach to Recruiting

In today’s competitive and candidate-driven job market, how you communicate can make all the difference in successful hiring.

At Helpmates, we use texting and other advanced tools to ensure a smooth and efficient recruitment and onboarding process. Whether you’re looking for temporary, temp-to-hire, or direct-hire talent in Southern California, our team is here to support your staffing needs with modern, effective strategies.

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