Helping Your Accounting Staff Members Keep Up with Their Professional Development

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6 Tips for Building a Better Retention Strategy

Employee turnover can wreak havoc on your company’s productivity and profits. Learn why employees leave & what you can start doing to make them stay for the long-haul.

With the relentless pace of automation and the ongoing evolution of remote work dynamics, are you fully prepared to help your accounting and bookkeeping staff members navigate these changes?

Doing so not only retains your current workforce but also attracts top new candidates. How ready is your team to meet these new demands?

The Evolving Workplace: Adapting to the New Reality in Accounting

In recent years, the landscape of remote work has shifted dramatically. According to a 2024 survey by FlexJobs, a significant 80% of companies now offer flexible working arrangements as a standard practice.

Despite stabilization post-pandemic, the continuous adaptation to new work environments and the need to update skills remain critical to stay competitive and efficient.

Tech Advancements: Embracing Automation in Accounting

The realm of accounting technology is advancing at a dizzying rate.

Automation tools like QuickBooks AI and Xero’s Automation Hub are revolutionizing how we process and analyze financial data. But that’s not all—emerging technologies such as blockchain for secure transactions and cloud computing for real-time data access are also setting new standards in the industry.

Despite the headlines, AI is not taking accounting jobs. Rather, it’s enhancing accuracy and efficiency while freeing up your accounting team members to focus on more strategic, impactful work. 

Professional Development: Why It’s Important And How To Do It Right

Helping your accounting and finance team keep up with their professional development isn’t just beneficial for them— it enhances the capability of your entire department.

Emphasizing professional growth is vital, as it equips your team with a diverse array of critical skills necessary for adapting to the rapidly changing landscape of the industry. Developing these skills helps your team tackle new challenges effectively, boosts overall productivity, and positions your organization as a leader in the field.

Reskilling and Upskilling: Key to Retention

Instead of seeking new hires, retraining — now often termed as reskilling or upskilling — allows you to retain valued team members. This strategy not only benefits your employees by boosting their career prospects but also aids your organization by avoiding the costs associated with high turnover.

Keep in mind that reskilling and upskilling will turn into an ongoing need as technology will continue to change at a fast pace. Keeping up will be critical for your company and accounting employees.

Make Learning Accessible

Professional development should be a welcome addition to your team’s growth strategy, not a burden.

To ensure that learning enriches rather than overwhelms, consider offering additional time or support for training. Initiatives like ‘Lunch & Learn Fridays’ provide a relaxed setting for skill enhancement, while a dedicated learning and development portal offers resources at your team’s fingertips.

These strategies help team members seamlessly integrate professional development into their regular responsibilities, making continuous improvement a natural part of their workday.

Modern Learning Solutions for Modern Problems

As the demand for continuous learning grows, so does the provision of accessible, high-quality education. Platforms like Coursera and LinkedIn Learning have expanded their course offerings, especially in specialized fields like accounting automation.

Mentoring and Peer-to-Peer Learning

Utilizing both traditional mentoring and innovative peer-to-peer teaching methods can foster a supportive learning environment. These approaches help build camaraderie and ensure practical, hands-on learning within your team.

Facilitating Further Education

Support your employees’ educational aspirations. Providing support for further education shows a commitment to their professional growth and acknowledges the extensive time and effort involved in gaining new certifications.

This includes financial and non-financial support, such as:

  • Tuition reimbursements
  • Special bonuses for achieving certifications
  • Allowing additional PTO or schedule flexibility for attending classes or study time

The Power of Investing in Your Team

By providing your accounting and finance team with the resources and time to advance their skills, you not only enhance their professional capabilities but also demonstrate the value you place on their contributions.

Contact the nearest Helpmates branch to discover more about our accounting and finance staffing services and how we can help you stay ahead with a skilled, up-to-date team.

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