Recruiting dozens of call center and customer service representatives (CSRs) is time-consuming. It’s also wasteful:...
Employer Resources
Extremely High Temporary Specialist Retention for a Distribution Center
Is this you? You’re a large company that needs to ship out a lot of small items every day. In other words, you need...
Tips for Hiring Great Temporary Specialists in SoCal
Your Los Angeles or Orange County company may need more workers as your business starts growing again as the economy...
Naming the Problem: Retention in a High Turnover Market
When it comes to leaving their employer, U.S. workers aren’t balking. Why? Mostly because workers can: a growing economy and a very low unemployment rate provide employees options when they are unhappy at work and they definitely are choosing to...
When Your Candidate Receives a Counteroffer
With the job market as tight as it is now, employers need to adapt their hiring strategies to a new reality. One challenge employers face when attempting to hire new talent is dealing with counteroffers from their current employer, an entity no...
Strengthening Your Nutraceutical Workforce Recruitment
The way your nutraceutical company manages your temporary workforce has a massive impact on your bottom line. Your staffing needs are unique in that your GMP and SOP practices must be met to the absolute letter by your workers. So ensuring that...
Getting Ready for Generation Z
Talkin’ ‘bout their generation…and we don’t mean millennials. Now it’s time to discuss Generation Z, those born between about 1995 and 2010. These young adults – the oldest of whom will turn 24 this year – are coming to your workplace. Are you...
How Much Social Media Use at Work is Too Much?
You know your employees visit their personal social media channels at work: they use either their company-supplied computer or their own mobile devices. But from an HR or management standpoint, how much is too much? Should they look at it just on...
Getting More Commitment from Temporary Staff
Temporary workers on assignment at your company…leave. After all, it’s right in their description: they are “temporary.” So why should they even expect any type of commitment from you? And why should you expect any commitment from them? Excellent...
Lying Liars Who Lie….On Their Resume
When it comes to our jobs and careers, just about all of us are liars: more than four-fifths of us (85 percent) lie on our resumes. (And that number – from 2017 – is a big increase: just 66 percent of job applicants lied on resumes or applications...
How California’s Statewide Minimum Wage Hike is Affecting Your Temporary Workforce
It’s not news to the region’s employers that the minimum wage for California businesses with more than 26 employees increased statewide from $11/hour to $12/hour on January 1. What’s more, Los Angeles County will be raising its minimum wage on July...
2019 New Year’s Resolution: Embrace AI
Many recruiters and human resources professionals may be – to put it lightly – a tad leery regarding artificial intelligence. After all, while many experts are saying AI won’t take away our jobs, just change how we do them, we’re still wary. Should...