Employer Resources

Employee Onboarding Best Practices

Your employee recruitment and retention strategy should begin with onboarding. Make sure your new hire orientation includes these best practices.

Tips for Getting the Candidate Experience Right

It’s a job seeker’s market, but the ball is in your court to provide an exceptional candidate experience. Here’s how to make it a competitive advantage.

Talent Solutions: 3 Ways to Drive Record-Breaking Employee Retention

What can companies do to drive retention in a job seeker’s market? Here are 3 ways Helpmates does it that results in record-breaking retention

The Importance of E-Verification for Temporary Staffing Talent Solutions

Not all staffing agencies or companies use e-verification as part of their hiring process. But the ones who do benefit from peace of mind. Here’s how.

When Terminating an Employee Remotely

When Terminating an Employee Remotely

Remote work requires an organized, purposeful approach to the employee experience — including how you let workers go. The world has changed. Remote work is no longer an occasional perk — it’s a permanent fixture. But remote work isn’t just lift and...

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Manager, Heal Thyself of Unconscious Bias

Manager, Heal Thyself of Unconscious Bias

We all exhibit unconscious bias whenever we interact with others. In fact, psychologists have catalogued many different types of cognitive biases that filter our perception of the environment. But, once we are aware of these biases, we can be alert...

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Overcoming the Overwhelm When Working at Home

Overcoming the Overwhelm When Working at Home

The pandemic has caused a lot of upheaval in people’s lives. Many of us now work remotely, all the while trying to take precautions against the virus. We battle with a lot of anxiety and stress and even some disorientation. It’s a lot to get used...

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E-mailing Passive Candidates in the Age of AI

E-mailing Passive Candidates in the Age of AI

If you’re a recruiter trying to catch the attention of a passive job candidate, you may feel like Sisyphus of ancient Greek mythology – the man who was doomed to forever push a large rock up a hill, only to have it roll back down again. In other...

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Prepare Today for the Post-COVID Hiring World

Prepare Today for the Post-COVID Hiring World

Getting to a post-COVID19 world is going to take some time. Even as we gingerly make our way to reopening our economy, California has been hit with a big increase in infections and some business restrictions have been reinstated. But whether it...

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