Candidate Advice

You Got the Job Offer! Should You Take It?

You applied for a job opportunity. You were called in for an interview. You aced it. You were called in for another interview. Ditto. The hiring manager tells you she’ll make her decision in a week and in that week you hear from her and she offers you the job! You’re excited, naturally. Flattered,...

Hacking the College Job Fair

Yep, it’s February. If you’re a college senior, you’re busy. And one of the things your busy with is getting ready for your campus’ college job fair this spring. What? It’s not on your radar!!! Why not!? College job fairs are a terrific way for you to land job interviews with potential employers....

Everyone’s Leaving My Employer. Should I Go, Too?

Today’s hot, hot, HOT candidate market means many people are leaving one job for another. And it feels as if everyone is doing so. Why? Because they can. With unemployment in Los Angeles County at 4.6 percent (in October, the latest figure available) and 2.9 percent in Orange County in October,...

Southern California’s Job Outlook for 2019

So here it is, mid-January. Talent still is hard to find around the country. Candidates are ghosting when it comes to job interviews and even employees are just leaving their employer without notice. But that’s nationwide. What’s this year’s job outlook for Southern California? We put on our...
Why Temp Jobs Make Sense For Your Career

Why Temp Jobs Make Sense For Your Career

The job market is heating up and employers are looking for more talent - especially for temp jobs. As businesses look for ways to scale up their workforce to meet increasing demands, more temp jobs are becoming available across a range of...

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It’s Time For Spring Cleaning (Your Job Search)

It’s Time For Spring Cleaning (Your Job Search)

Spring has officially sprung — as the trees blossom and the weather improves, are you where you want to be in your career? Just a few months back, we offered these tips for turning your New Year’s career resolutions into a reality this year. If you...

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10 Ways to Stand Out on Your Temporary Work Assignment

10 Ways to Stand Out on Your Temporary Work Assignment

Temporary jobs offer more than just short-term, flexible work Temp work can also be an opportunity to expand your skills, experience and professional network. Learn how to make the most of temporary positions and stand out on your next assignment....

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How to Turn 2016 Career Resolutions into Reality

How to Turn 2016 Career Resolutions into Reality

Research shows that 45% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions - are you included? Resolutions can be an excellent way to set goals and devise a plan to achieve them in the new year. But here’s the thing: Research also shows that only 8% of...

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3 Keys to Avoid Common Workplace Distractions

3 Keys to Avoid Common Workplace Distractions

If you read articles on the internet (since you’re reading this one, it’s probably a safe bet), you likely see at least a handful of articles focusing on productivity each day. With good reason: Today’s employers expect their employees to get more...

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How to Turn Around Bad Job Interviews

How to Turn Around Bad Job Interviews

Maybe your alarm didn’t go off that morning and you were running behind. Or maybe you just never quite felt comfortable. There are any number of reasons why your job interview didn’t start off on the right foot, but don’t give up hope just yet. You...

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How to (Quietly) Conduct a Job Search

How to (Quietly) Conduct a Job Search

Three out of four employees within a given company are actively searching for a job. It’s definitely a candidate's market right now, and employers are hiring. But searching for a new job while working at your current one can feel like a challenge....

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