How to Make a Good First Impression in Your Job Interview

As the old saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. When it comes to your job search, that first impression is especially critical.

Stand out for the right reasons in your next job interview

From the moment you walk through the door, you’re making an impression on potential employers. These tips will help ensure it’s a good one:HM_10142

  • Arrive on time. This seems like a no-brainer, but arriving on time — actually, about five
    minutes early — is the biggest way to make a good first impression. Be sure to map out your directions ahead of time, and if you’re really concerned about a punctual arrival, actually visit the employer’s office a few days before your interview to get a good idea how long your commute will take. Arriving on time isn’t just avoiding a late arrival, though – be sure not to arrive too early. Five minutes early is usually a good time to arrive. Any earlier, and you may be interrupting a meeting or inconveniencing the interviewer, who may feel obligated to bring you into the interview early. If you’re concerned about arriving on time or directions for arriving at an employer, your recruiter can help.
  • Look the part. You can’t underestimate the importance of a professional appearance for job interviews. Not all interviews require a three-piece suit, but pants and a shirt that are clean, well prepared (in other words, not wrinkled) and in good condition make an impact. Confidence also falls under “looking the part” – stand tall, make good eye contact when you’re first introduced and be mindful of your posture. If you demonstrate confidence in your ability to fill the role, the interviewer is more likely to think you’re a good fit too! If you’re unsure whether a particular outfit is appropriate for an interview, talk to your recruiter. We know our employers’ needs and preferences, and can help you choose the perfect outfit to make a good impression.
  • Be prepared. Doing a little research on the company and role can make a major impact when first meeting with an employer. Most information about an employer can be found online, but your recruiter is an invaluable resource when conducting this research. Be sure to have at least one conversation with your recruiter, asking thoughtful questions, so that you arrive to the interview knowledgeable and interested in the company and position.  Not only will this make a positive first impression, you’ll also stand out from the pack. Very few candidates put in the time and effort to do this research.

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