5 Tips to Boost Your Interview Confidence

Orange County jobs

Few of us enjoy going on job interview, which is a shame in a way because interviews are a great way to learn more about ourselves, various companies, different ways of doing things, making new acquaintances – possibly new colleagues – and so on.

In fact, learning more about different companies and people (potential managers and even colleagues) perhaps is the best thing about going to a job interview: we’re rather like a sleuth, digging down and trying to find out how we might fit into a company’s business paradigm.

Orange County jobs

What’s more, looking at yourself as something of an undercover agent also is a great way to help you boost your own confidence at the interview. After all, never forget that you are interviewing the hiring manager and company, too: just as your possible future manager is trying to see if you’ll be a good fit on her team, you need to find out if the company and opportunity is a good fit for you.

Four Additional Job Interview Confidence Boosters

  1. Research the company as much as possible before your interview: information is power.

The more you know about a company before you meet a recruiter or hiring manager, the more confident you’ll be. You’ll know how your particular skills and background will help the firm move forward and you’ll be able to speak to the hiring manager’s needs right away:

“I saw on your website that you are opening a new location soon. Will you be performing billing services at the new office? If so, I believe my experience with a former employer when I was the only medical biller in the department, helping to train new people in my office as they came on, would be a great help.”

  1. Remember the VALUE you bring.

Noting the fictional medical biller’s statement above, do you see what she just did there? She took note of the company’s plans and she talked about how her experience and expertise will help the hiring manager: she can help train new people in a new office and get the office up to speed quickly. Who wouldn’t want to hire her!? She’s a problem-solver! 

Knowing how you can help a business overcome challenges and/or reach its goals not only helps you feel confident when you interview (you’re certain of your skills and talents), it also makes you the type of candidate hiring managers hire.

  1. As hard as it may be, don’t wonder to yourself about how you’re doing.

Instead, simply aim to connect with the interviewer. This point echoes the first one: you’re on a mission to learn as much as you can about the needs of the interviewer (you’re an investigator), so don’t focus so much on yourself and instead try to listen to, engage with – on an equal level – and connect with the  hiring manager.

In other words, don’t think about your performance aim to put the other person at ease. Taking the focus off yourself can do wonders for alleviating your anxiety.

  1. Picture the moment you hear “I’d like to bring you on board.”

You know your strengths. You know how your skills benefit the employer. You know you’re a great fit. Remember that. Ruminate on it before the interview and then relax. You’ve got this!

Need some help landing job interviews in Orange or Los Angeles counties? Helpmates is here for you. Take a look at our current job opportunities and if you feel one or more is right for you, either apply online or visit the branch that posted the job. We look forward hearing from you!


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